Tantalum, LLC

The Practice

Human performance through human factors…

Tantalum is the 73rd chemical element on the periodic table and is known for being highly corrosion-resistant.  In fact, Tantalum is added to other metals to augment their structure (i.e., strength, ductility, no immune response (surgical instruments & implants).  The augmentation characteristic of the chemical element Tantalum is the inspiration for Tantalum Limited Liability Company (LLC). 

Tantalum LLC is a consulting company that focuses on human performance by unlocking the potential of the occupational athlete. The expression, “going pro” has been traditionally attributed to professional athletes.  Tantalum LLC was founded on the premise that the only difference between a professional athlete and an occupational athlete is a lack of body intuition. Our mission is to augment occupational athletes with body intuition by leveraging scientific principals based on biomechanics, ergonomics, and human factors to synergistically elevate human performance.  In essence, we help your employees go pro. 


Tan Deleon, Ph.D.

Dr. Tan Deleon has a Master of Science in Computer Engineering and a Philosophy Doctoral degree in Biomedical Engineering.  Dr. Deleon has over a decade of experience in research and development, information technology, submarine design & manufacturing, and human factors. Dr. Deleon has presented at conferences, symposiums, invited talks, and published in peer reviewed journals. Additionally, Dr. Deleon is a member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering (https://www.ctcase.org/), the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (https://www.hfes.org/home), the Biomedical Engineering Society (https://www.bmes.org/), and the American Society of Testing and Material (https://www.astm.org/). Dr. Deleon is also certified by the University of California Berkeley school of Public Health in Managing the COVID-19 Pandemic.

